
James McQuarrie

A collection of random links and thoughts curated by James McQuarrie

2013 Fitness plan: Day 4 Week 6

Today I felt good waking up. I’ve been making an effort to have reasonably early nights this week. I think it’s paying off.

This morning’s run started really well. I’d not intended to push for a good time, but by the time I’d covered the first 500 meters I realised that I’d settled into a comfortable pace that was a bit higher than what I’m used to. I didn’t manage to hold that pace for the whole 5km, but I’m happy that I’ve reached a point where I feel good running faster for at least some of the run.

In the end I slowed quite a lot by the final 2km. I still covered the full 5km in 27 minutes and 1 second.

Food today has been 100% slow carb accurate:

  • breakfast was 3 eggs, spinach, salsa, an avocado and a mug of green tea
  • I had 1 protein shake post run
  • lunch was a bowl of veg and chickpea soup and a mug of green tea
  • I had a second protein shake after my evening workout
  • dinner was a salmon fillet and a big portion of boiled broccoli
  • through the day I had 3 pints of water.

When it came time to start this evening’s workout I really didn’t feel in the mood. I’m not sure why, I just didn’t fancy it. But, this being the final week of my experiment I forced myself to just get on with it. Which worked out really well:

  • 10 sets of 100 crunches
  • 10 sets of 20 kettle-bell swings with the 28kg bell
  • 10 sets of press ups doing 15 reps per set.

That’s another 150 press ups in one workout. The final set I failed after 14 and had to rest for a little bit then do the final press. But, I’m getting closer to not having to have the pause…

Morning Measurements

Weight: 94.3kg down 0.8kg since yesterday
Body Fat percentage: 16.8% up 0.1% since yesterday
BMI: 24.1 down 0.1 since yesterday